Namewee 黃明志
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Wee Meng Chee (Namewee) – A patriotic and multi-talented Malaysian student who graduated from Taiwan Ming Chuan University in 2008. He made national headlines in 2007 with his 4-minute online video clip by adapting the National Anthem of Malaysia with his rap lyrics – he was known to have single-handedly boosted
Youtube’s 9th ranking to 3rd in Malaysia with his videos (with viewership exceeding 5,000,000 views) – he has since apologized publicly for his un-intentional behavior and his apology also officially accepted by the Malaysian government.
In addition to his controversial music video, he has also produced several popular songs including MUAR CHINESE and following that, his debut album <NAMEWEE> released in 2007 was sold out within 3-days in the Malaysian market and went on to become one of the hottest pirated CD in the local market. He is now writing and producing for several Taiwan album productions including popular artiste Karen Kong as well as making rap and vocal appearances in TVC advertisement, including one of the largest mobile operators in Malaysia, Celcom and Pepsi China (National Day TVC).
With the launch of his recent <I WANNA GO HOME> DVD to highlight his love and dedication to his own country – Namewee is currently embarking on his nationwide tour to personally meet with his fellow supporters. He has also recently completed filming his debut short-film titled POTONG SAGA (as lead role in the 15Malaysia project) with award winning Malaysian film director Ho Yu Hang. Namewee has also been officially invited to attend the world famous Busan Film Festival in South Korea.
To increase his creative horizon as a filmmaker, Namewee also recently collaborated with renowned Singaporean filmmaker Jack Neo in his latest film <Where Got Ghost> where Namewee continues to grow this creative portfolio. After returning from South Korea in October, Namewee will begins his preparation to shoot his first featured short-film with his own signature story-telling style – making him one of the most exciting multi-talented artiste breaking into the Malaysian entertainment scene in 2009.
我是黃明志, 家在馬來西亞柔佛州麻坡市, 從台灣銘傳大學畢業, 目前靠販賣智慧財產為生, 包括詞曲, 影片創作等等.
由於天生膽小害羞, 所以偏向幕後工作. 但偶爾會被迫到幕前去丟人現眼. 我現在單生, 但女生都覺得我很兇狠, 所以不敢接近我… 走在馬路上, 偶爾會有人跟我合照, 80%是男人…但其實我不是同性戀者.
我12年來寫了很多種類的歌曲 (將近500首). 影片製作也相當有經驗 (雖然政府不喜歡). 如果有意合作請用email聯絡我. 價錢好商量… 要參考我的作品只要到youtube網站打“黃明志”就可以了. 目前靠創作賺取利潤最高的歌曲為”還有我”, 這首歌賺到了將近9萬美元但所有的錢都拿去台灣賑災了. 我真的一毛錢都沒有拿(更沒有偷偷買別墅).
最後我希望, 如果你看到我想跟我打招呼的話, 請儘管過來, 不需要害怕. 但我希望你是美女…男的也可以, 但是不要太多…還有, 不要再逼我乾杯了, 謝謝!
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查看马来西亚网络红人《人气》排行榜, Namewee 黃明志的排名吧~ |
Namewee 黃明志
Reviewed by Malaysia Red People
3:59 PM

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